Coming Home • Module 2

14. – 17.10.21
Building on the experience of Module I, we will immerse ourselves in various questions:
In the midst of our often very complex lives, how do we find a reliable compass that anchors us in that which is essential?

Upcoming dates in autumn 2021 will be announced here!

Building on the experience of Module I, we will immerse ourselves in various questions:
In the midst of our often very complex lives, how do we find a reliable compass that anchors us in that which is essential? A compass that creatively allows us to find our place in the whole of life? How do we deal with the tension within us as we touch the limits of what we know and the way this corresponds to our strategies of thinking? What gives us support to feel the fullness and vastness of life and of ourselves in our everyday life?

Topics include:

Increasingly establishing and maintaining the state of inner awareness with more ease
Stabilizing the gentle, non-judgmental observer’s mind
The effects of inner patterns, concepts and assumptions on the topic of “Awakening to your inner nature”.
Experiencing meditation also as a „We-Space” and as a field of dialogue (thus an access to the “Higher We”).
Distinguishing and integrating the five inner „positions of consciousness” within the process of self-realization.

In addition and in consultation, participants receive personal suggestions for the appropriate “direct practice”, which can be explored until the beginning of the next cycle and practiced over a longer period of time as a process of inner grounding.

Both modules must be booked together.
Costs: € 690,- plus food and accomodation (early bird € 640,- when booked before September 15th, 2020)
Reduced fee for Essencia® teachers and training graduates: € 550,-

Continuing modules for advanced students in the E-Wake cycle 1st year

For further information and registration please contact the Orgodynamics Office:

Andrea Witzmann
phone: 09733-783 55 26
fax: 09733-783 55 42