Our Highlight in 2021:
our caravan of love is moving this September (11th – 18th 2021 on Corfu, Greece)
to the beautiful Alexis Zorbas-Center in Arillas. You are invited to join us there!!
Heart – Spirit – Retreat in Corfu
FREE SPIRIT ♥ LOVE IN ACTION with Michael Plesse & Anadi Nocke
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An invitation to all generations for an essential and creative journey of discovery in the charm of the south on the green island of Corfu in Greece
A new essay about ” elders & e-wake” is now avaible as an english Text in the BLOG-section.
“What does it mean that the share of over 60-year-olds has doubled in the last 60 years, and soon one in three will be over 60? What if we regarded old age not as a curse, but as a blessing and generative task?”
These are questions that many – not only older people – ask themselves.
Also those who had come to the “Elders” Symposium: “radikal ALTERnativ” of the Lebensgemeinschaft Sulzbrunn (Allgäu) on the last weekend in September soon immersed themselves in the whole spectrum of radical questions about aging.
It became obvious how great the need and disorientation was for some of the participating seniors, who are searching for new answers in their new phase of life.
Where are the answers, and further perspectives?
So how is it possible to be or become a “wisdom-ager” with a zest for life, beyond rebellion and adaptation, beyond norm, performance and the ambition to get the “proper ageing” perfectly right?